The site was set up mainly for accounting users with the progress of development and guide for usage of Skinstudio and IconDeveloper. Brought to you by Adam Najmanowicz - the lead developer of SkinStudio & IconDeveloper.
BN progress (subtitles weeee!)
Published on August 25, 2004 By Adam Najmanowicz In Business

If this blog appears on the stardockblog, it means that the sub-categories work. Pat fixed the subtitle problem so I have my subtitle retrieved ok now. Not sure why I cannot EditPost if the post is in , the server returns error 500 - I may be giving pat something wrong about the categories - looking into that now. One thing we lack is the categories on GetPost. For the moment I can live with that since they appear in GetRecentPosts. Also if thy are subcategories I need a full path to find them like I get them in the getCategories list. Either that or I need categoryId somewhere - the other blogging tools may have problems with it if we do not do it the former way. I'm still working on the background threads manager + error reporting since I really want to do it right. I'm basing it it on the Outlook send/receive mail dialog. The DHTML edit control does not allow me tyo use Ctrl+K for a shortcut for making hyperlinks, forcing Ctrl+L instead. I think I'll leave it like that in the Delphi version abd will look into it deeper once it's rewritten in the

The error was indeed because of the bug on BN part - the category ID was not set if user did not change it explicitly.

Testing new "related link" now...
One Pat's debug later - it works!

Also Pat has changed not to use client's date/time but rather the server's so we can avoid posts in future or any crazy date the client may have on his/her computer.

Now we only need audiences and comment actions for the full functionality in BN.

on Aug 25, 2004
hello, i like the way outlook 2003 has its layout. is it possible to for blog navigator to mimic that layout as well?
on Aug 29, 2004
What layout is that? I have Outlook 2003 setup exactly like BlogNavigator layout. Do you wanrt the browser to be on the right and have a 3 columns from very top to very bottom?