The site was set up mainly for accounting users with the progress of development and guide for usage of Skinstudio and IconDeveloper. Brought to you by Adam Najmanowicz - the lead developer of SkinStudio & IconDeveloper.
Obvious - you could think
Published on September 16, 2003 By Adam Najmanowicz In Software Development
You could think bitmaps stretching is easy with VCL in Delphi? Well... it is... almost... when it does not involve 32 bit bitmaps (those bitmaps with per-pixel alpha channel). I've spent a few hours looking for a routine for speedy resizing of such bitmaps (but a routine that woudl not loos the alpha channel. Maybe it can be done somehow with WinAPI, but I have not managed to find a way. Besides - it would most probably not woth on DOS derived Windows (Win 9x). So after wasting those hours, i've wasted... a quarter more and written my own routine. It may not be fastest, it may not be the most efficient way, but it's clean and does its work.

source available here

Feel free to use it in your apps.
unit Stretch32BitBitmap;


uses Math, Graphics, ImageProcessing;

procedure Stretch32(NewWidth, NewHeight: Cardinal; 
  Source, Target: TBitmap);


	MaxPixelCount = 32768;

  pRGBQarray = ^TRGBQuadarray;
  TRGBQuadArray = array[0..MaxPixelCount-1] of TRGBQuad;

procedure Stretch32(NewWidth, NewHeight: Cardinal; 
  Source, Target: TBitmap);
  xs, ,yd, OldWidth, OldHeight: Integer;
  ssl, dsl: pRGBQarray;

  if not(Source.Pixelformat = pf32Bit) then
  	Source.Pixelformat := pf32Bit;
  if not(Target.Pixelformat = pf32Bit) then
  	Target.Pixelformat := pf32Bit;

  OldWidth := Source.Width;
  OldHeight := Source.Height;
  Target.Width := NewWidth;
  Target.Height := NewHeight;

  for yd := 0 to NewHeight-1 do
      dsl:= Target.ScanLine[yd];
      ssl:= Source.ScanLine[Min(OldHeight - 1,
                                Trunc(yd * OldHeight / NewHeight))];
      for  := 0 to NewWidth-1 do
          xs := Min(OldWidth-1,Trunc( * OldWidth / NewWidth));
          dsl[].rgbRed      := ssl[xs].rgbRed;
          dsl[].rgbGreen    := ssl[xs].rgbGreen;
          dsl[].rgbBlue     := ssl[xs].rgbBlue;
          dsl[].rgbReserved := ssl[xs].rgbReserved

on Sep 17, 2003
Hi Adam. You are already familiar with the Windows API StretchBlt() and StretchDIBits() functions. Do both of these functions lose the alpha channel?
on Sep 18, 2003
Thanks for the suggestions Matthijs,

StretchBlt was my first thought but it does damage the alpha channel ( TCanvas.CopyRect(...) uses it ) since it draws the info on the target TCanvas.Handle but as I tried it it always caused the loss of the channel and did not even pained it right but rather ignored it (possibly I've done something wrong), while I have not experimented with the StretchDIBits since it required some more code for de-encapsulation of the DIBits and putting it back into the target bitmap, the other thing and my main concern was that I was not sure if it would work on pre-XP systems. Still it works quite fast for what I need. and I'm barely on a 1700+ Athlon XP.