So Saturday was my birthday. I'd rather not think about which one (it was round). And today I've gotten a little late email from my sister with 2 photo's of a neat hardware she's found on the Internet ... (I think she actually got them through email)
I was tempted to post it in "Gadgets & Electronics" category, but finally decided against... I think they actually pre-date their era and may be too revolutionary for our times. We all know what happens to products like that developed by some unknown startups... they become absorbed by the market leaders and disappear in their bowels without any trace.
So first is an ultra slim notebook. Made of fully biodegradable materials. Dear sis knows how I despise touch-pads so she grabbed a nice mouse with it 

And another piece of hardware... Fully equipped ITX form factor computer... I just need to find a case for it. Just to cut off the speculations about the cards. The first one from the left is a network card, then we have a video card, and the right most in the AGP slot is the sound card... that's quite innovative approach. All components are the state of the art, top models available in the confectionery industry. Equipped with a whole KG of Ginger2RAM for your gaming pleasure. And Menthos-the-fresh-maker cooling system with a sugar-pipe for better heat transmission. I'll have to examine if it won't have to be water-cooled, but unless I use some other materials it may become a bit muddy.