The site was set up mainly for accounting users with the progress of development and guide for usage of Skinstudio and IconDeveloper. Brought to you by Adam Najmanowicz - the lead developer of SkinStudio & IconDeveloper.
SkinStudio's Articles In OS Customization
September 29, 2003 by Adam Najmanowicz
A few days back I found that nice Visual Style. Really easy on eyes - perfect for coding - titlebar not to high - not too many distractions. So i ran it through Skinstudio, added a few mods to make it the nice place to look and shown it to Pas (Snidely Whiplash). He's made a couple of mods himself and I wanted to have them in my skin. But my skin was USF (yes you can apply USF skins to WindowBlinds with Skinstudio) and his was WindowBlinds. But the image format is the same, so i could just copy ...
September 29, 2003 by Adam Najmanowicz
I plan to make some more SkinStudio tutorials so that SkinStudio users can browse the blog to look for some insight into more advanced functions or those that are more or less hidden or easilly missed. Well, since Brad created this cool icon tutorial I thought i may as well link it from here to make it the SkinStudio hub
December 11, 2003 by Adam Najmanowicz
I had a dream... that WB once supported PNG files. Some time ago I was thinking and consulted our users on Wincustomize messagebards about aiding WB to create 32 bit translucent images. Almost everyone voted for PNG. But WB does not support them and for memory preservation reasons it will not. the basic problem is that TGA support sucks badly in image editors. The only editor that could do it properly was Photoshop. Yes... it WAS. Adobe blew it. Since Adobe removed their support for 32-bit ...
October 1, 2003 by Adam Najmanowicz
Very important: Recoloring skins does not change the original author's copyright, nor does it make such skin yours. If you recolor a skin it icon that has not been made by yourself you may not upload or share a recolored skin without the original author's permission. Ok, so I'm in the subject of recoloring for quite some time now. I've written a few routines to recolor skins SkinStudio can edit and a few for icons (which it can now edit too), then I thought " Heck why not apply those to ...